Student Representation Fee
One dollar ($1) of every two-dollar fee collected will be expended solely through the Associated Student Government of Compton College to provide support for governmental affairs representatives of local or statewide student body organizations who may be stating their positions and viewpoints before city, county, state and/or federal government. Essentially, the funds could be used by ASG in order to provide necessary training and access to opportunities to represent Compton College students, including but not limited to:
- Attending legislative activities like the SSCCC General Assembly
- Visiting the offices of local and state elected officials
- Training ASG representatives to effectively participate in these processes
What does this mean for you as a student?
The $2 Student Representation Fee helps fund activities that allow student leaders to advocate on your behalf at local, state, and national levels. This means that your concerns and interests as a student are voiced when important decisions affecting students are made.
If you pay the fee, you're contributing to:
- Compton College's student government (ASG) to ensure your views are represented in government meetings and events.
- Statewide efforts to improve policies for all California community college students.
If you opt out:
- You won't contribute to these advocacy efforts, but you can still participate in student government and campus activities.